Video Series
Video Story: What a Community Forest Means to Us
Learn how our region’s community forest managers and partners view the impacts of a community forest.
Video Story: Tribal Partnerships in Community Forests
Tribes are an integral part of community forests across the region. Learn about some relationships below.
Video Story: Indian Creek Community Forest
Acquired in 2012, the Indian Creek Community Forest is a 410 acre community forest outside of Newport, Washington, owned and managed by the Kalispel Indian Tribe.
Video Story: Nisqually Community Forest
Located in the Southwest foothills of Mount Rainier, the Nisqually Community Forest as begun acquiring forestland, with the goal of managing a 30,000-acre community forest
Video Story: Stewart Mountain Community Forest
Located 30 miles east of Bellingham, WA, Stewart Mountain covers nearly 28,000 acres of forest, river, and floodplain habitat.
Video Story: Chimacum Ridge
Learn about Chimacum Ridge Community Forest, a potential community forest located in Jefferson County, on the Eastern side of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula.
Video Story: Arch Cape Community Forest
Positioned upland of the Coastal Oregon town of Arch Cape and spanning 1,500 total acres, Arch Cape Community Forest is vital for ensuring a healthy water supply.
Video Story: Teanaway Community Forest
Washington’s largest community forest at over 50,000 acres, the Teanaway Community Forest was developed through numerous partnerships in Central Washington.
One Pager: Montesano Community Forest
Montesano Community Forest is a 5,600-acre forest which prioritizes sustainable timber harvest, recreation and public access, and ecological & watershed health and resilience.
One Pager: Astoria Bear Creek Watershed
Astoria manages their 3,700-acre Bear Creek Watershed for the sole purpose of water quality benefit and sustained water supply to the 10,000+ residents and customers.