Video: Nisqually Community Forest
Located in the Southwest foothills of Mount Rainier, the Nisqually Community Forest aims to acquire 30,000-acres of forest in the Nisqually River Basin. Currently over 5,000-acres, the Nisqually Community Forest is managed with the goal of providing long-term, ecological timber harvest, sustained water quantity and quality for Chinook salmon and Nisqually steelhead within the Mashell River sub-basin of the Nisqually River, and recreational access and economic benefit to the surrounding community. This past year, the Nisqually Indian Tribe used funding from the Washington’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan to acquire additional acreage to be managed within the Community Forest, bringing the property to its current size of 5,000-acres of working forest and salmon streams.
The Nisqually Community Forest has been established through partnerships with the Nisqually Land Trust, Nisqually Indian Tribe, Nisqually River Council, Nisqually River Foundation, Northwest Natural Resource Group, Conservation Northwest, and the local upper watershed community.
This video project was supported by the generous contributions of Nisqually Community Forest paired with the partnership and financial assistance of the United States Forest Service through the Community Forest & Open Space Conservation Program. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. We would like to thank all additional community partners involved in the collaboration, input, and support that is making this video, and the Nisqually Community Forest successful.