NW Community Forest Coalition 2022 Summer Meeting

Tuesday, August 9

Virtual Meeting

We had an eventful summer meeting, featuring updates on the following:

  1. Nason Ridge Community Forest

  2. NWCFC’s Storytelling Initiative

  3. Future Strategic Planning

Our quarterly meeting was held remotely via Zoom this year. Visit the link below to view the meeting’s recording and catch anything you may have missed.

Meeting Materials

  • Nason Ridge Community Forest

    Chelan County’s Second Community Forest, Nason Ridge, covers 3,714 acres overlooking Lake Wenatchee and the Central Cascades

  • Story Telling Initiative

    View the presentation to learn about the next steps in the Coalitions Storytelling Project.

  • Strategic Plann

    As we grow the Coalition, we want your input in how we can best shape impact though an update to our strategy.